籍  贯: 浙江

邮  箱: jianif@tsinghua.edu.cn

研 究 室: 蒙民伟人文楼313


1. 法国和德国文学、思想史和哲学:从早期现代到当代;

2. 古典学:古典文化从早期现代到当代在欧洲大陆的接收,希腊、罗马、晚期古代的思想史和文学;

3. 中欧比较,欧陆哲学与文学的关系,欧陆文艺理论和批判理论,欧陆视觉艺术与文学和哲学的关系。






Fan, Jiani. « Se moquer de la philosophie est vraiment philosopher »: Plato, Aristotle, and the pedagogy of irony and play in Pascal’s Pensées. The Seventeenth Century (约一万二千字,已经录用);

Fan, Jiani. François de La Rochefoucauld’s Appropriation and Unmasking of Seneca in his Maximes. Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature (已经录用,预计于2025年6月发表);

Fan, Jiani. “From an Enclosed Universe to the Cartesian Vortex – Pascal’s, La Fontaine’s, and Fontenelle’s Literary Representation of the Universe” in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol.L, No.99, 2023, pp.229-325;

Fan, Jiani. “Friedrich Nietzsche’s Assessments of François de La Rochefoucauld’s Maxims through the Academic Sceptic Argumentative Method of pro and con and Syntactic Analysis,” Early Modern French Studies, Vol.45.2, 2023, pp.150-169;

Fan, Jiani. “From Libido Dominandi in Disguise to An Apologetic Device? Invention and Reinvention of Sweetness (Douceur) in La Rochefoucauld’s and Pascal’s works,” Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, Vol. XLVIII,95, 2021, pp.319-336;

Fan, Jiani. Encyclopedia entry on Michel Foucault’s « Qu’est-ce qu’un auteur? » [What is an Author?] in The Literary Encyclopedia (约3500字,主编为纽约大学副教授Kathrina LaPorta);

Fan, Jiani. Encyclopeida entry on La Rochefoucauld’s Réflexions ou sentences et maximes morales in The Literary Encyclopedia (约3500字,主编为剑桥大学教授Hugo Azérad);

Fan, Jiani. “Le vide dans la poésie du paysage de François Cheng et de Philippe Jaccottet,” dans Littératures et arts du vide, séries of the Colloque de Cerisy, France, Éditions Hermann, 2018, pp. 25-40.


Fan, Jiani. “Silence (aphasia) and Laughter: Nietzsche’s Parody and Assessment of Pyrrho in The Wanderer and His Shadow 213 and in his posthumous sections of 1888,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies (约一万字,待发表);

Fan, Jiani. “Antiquity and Modernity at a Standstill – Interpreting Walter Benjamin’s Allegoric Image and Dialectic Image through Charles Baudelaire,” Cowrie: Comparative and World Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, Vol.1, 2024,https://doi.org/10.1515/cwl-2024-2005 ;

Fan, Jiani. “Psychology as a First Principle? Self-love and The Will to Power in La Rochefoucauld and Nietzsche,” The European Legacy, Vol. 29.1, 2024, pp.51-69;

Fan, Jiani. “Friedrich Nietzsche and Blaise Pascal on Skepticisms and Honesty,” History of European Ideas, Vol. 49.7,2023, pp.1085-1104;

Fan, Jiani. « La Stimmung du paysage dans l’esthétique allemande et les concepts esthétiques chez Wang Fuzhi et Wang Guowei», Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. 71:2,pp.437-452 ;

Fan, Jiani. “Redeemed from Skepticism – Nietzsche’s revaluation of ancient Skeptics’ truth investigation (ζητϵῖν) and philosophy of life (ἀταραξία),” Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 2021, Vol. 13, No.2, pp.142-52;

Fan, Jiani. “Images of Mind, Images of God – Mirror as Metaphor in Chinese Buddhism and Early Mysticism (focuses on Meister Eckhart and Diego Velázquez’s painting),” Buddhist-Christian Studies, 2018, Vol.38, pp.173-185;

Fan, Jiani. “‘Being-towards-Death’: A Comparative Study on Attitudes towards Death in Europe (focuses on Heidegger and Arnold Böcklin’s paintings) and in China,” published in European Journal of Sinology, special volume1, 2014, pp.183-206.


Fan, Jiani. “Saint Augustine’s Confessions and Speech Acts” in Studia Patristica (Vol. CXVIII - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019). Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2021, pp. 131-146.



研究尼采对辛普利修评注的爱比克泰德《手册》Nietzsche对 Simplicius. Kommentar zu Epiktetos Handbuch (Wien, 1867) 1887的注疏和批评;该研究项目是“尼采的个人图书馆-数字版和哲学述评”研究项目的子项目,由德国科学基金会(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)和法国国家科研署(Agence Nationale de La Recherche)资助。




2024.5 组织了清华大学欧美文学论坛第二十七期——芝加哥大学罗曼语系荣休教授Philippe Desan的讲座“身体之重之于蒙田与文艺复兴”。

2022 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家“Comparative Mysticisms”会议 https://comparativemysticisms.wordpress.com

2022 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Antiquity in Early Modern France: Forms, Ideas, Media”会议 (Sponsored by Princeton University) https://antiquityemfrance.wordpress.com/

2020-2021 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Receptions of Latin Literature,” Princeton IHUM monthly meeting


2020 合作组织并邀请了该领域全球最杰出的一些专家 “Receptions of Latin Literature- Seneca the Younger,” Princeton IHUM monthly meeting, https://ihum.princeton.edu/reading-groups/receptions-latin-literature







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